Performant, scientific computation in Python and Rust

PyConDE & PyData Berlin 2024

The Rust and the Python

Performant, scientific computation in Python and Rust

Who am I?

  • Data Scientist at BlueYonder
  • Research interests: Roboticist & Cognitive Cognition, Machine Learning (self-organization)
  • Pythonista (> 15 years) and Rustacean (~2.5 years)

What to expect?

  • A time-lapse of algorithm development from the formula
    to the optimized package in Python and Rust
  • Takeaways
    • Confidence in creating scientific / numeric / ML packages
    • Strength and weakness of Python and Rust
    • How well they actually play together
    • (Opinionated) Best practices and packaging
  • All sources (including these slides) on Github
  • Open source license (MIT). Feel free to use as a template!

What to not expect?

  • A comprehensive Rust course
  • Deep learning frameworks
  • Complex models such as LLM
  • No bugs
  • No typos


  1. Gaussian Mixtures and Expectation Maximization
  2. Python tooling, implementation and packaging
  3. Rust: Brief overview, Python extension and benchmarking

Part 1 — Gaussian Mixtures and Expectation Maximization

Why this model?

  • Easy to understand
  • Educational yet useful / versatile
  • Easy / fast to implement (±50 LoC)
  • Easy / fast to train and evaluate
  • Bonus: Probabilistic

… and why not?

  • Easy to express with arrays (numpy, torch)
  • Difference to Rust not drastic
  • Better suited: Caching (e.g., dynamic programming), complex control flows, …

Formal definition

$$ \begin{aligned} p(\bm x | M ) &= \sum_{m\in M} \pi_m \cdot p(\bm x | m) \\ &= \sum_{m\in M} \pi_m \cdot \mathcal N(x; \bm \mu_m, \Sigma_m) \\ \mathcal N(x; \bm \mu_m, \Sigma_m) &:= \frac{1}{ \sqrt{(2\pi)^d \det({\Sigma_m})} } \\ & \qquad \exp \left(-\frac{1}{2}({\mathbf x}-{\bm\mu_m})^{\top}{{\Sigma_m}}^{-1}({\bm x}-{\bm\mu_m}) \right) \end{aligned} $$ "A distribution over points where each point is drawn from one of multiple Normal distributions (Gaussians)"
$$ X = \left\{ \begin{pmatrix} \bm x_i \\ z_i \end{pmatrix}\right\}_i, \quad \bm x_i \in \mathbb R^d, z_i \in M $$
  • Data $\bm x_i$ is observable; $z_i$ non-observable / latent
  • 1 Multinomial/Categorical distribution
  • $k$ Normal distributions
  • Each draw $i$ first determines the Normal distribution $z_i$ and then the sample $\bm x_i$
  • Example: Weight / height distribution in an animal population
  • see my blog post (no formulas)

Expectation Maximization (EM)

Gaussian mixture models can be trained with EM

$$ X = \left\{ \bm x_i\right\}_i, \quad \bm x \in \mathbb R^d $$
  • Algorithm for unsupervised learning / Clustering
  • Missing data: We don't know which Gaussian $z_i$ produced $\bm x_i$
  • The unobservable variable $z_1$ is called the latent state
  • Alternating pattern: E-Step and M-Step
  • Guaranteed to converge but prone to local minima
  • Many models can be trained with EM:
    • $k$-Means
    • Self-organizing neural networks
    • Other mixture models
    • Hidden Markov Models
    • Kalmann filters
Training GMM with Expectation Maximization (for 2D clustering)

E(xpectation)-step (Intuition)

  • "Guessing the hidden states"
  • For each sample and each component, the probability that the sample has been generated by the component
  • Unlike $k$-means, points can belong to multiple clusters "soft assignment"
  • Number of data points $\times$ number of clusters probabilities ("responsibility matrix")

E(xpectation)-step (Formula)

$$ \begin{aligned} \forall m \in M, \bm x \in X&: \\ \bar \gamma_{\bm x,m} &= \pi_m \cdot p(\bm x | m) \\ &= \pi_m \cdot \mathcal N( \bm x; \bm\mu_m, \Sigma_m) \\ \gamma_{\bm x,m} &= \frac{\bar \gamma_{\bm x, m}}{ \sum_{m \in M} \bar \gamma_{\bm x, m} } \qquad \text{(Bayes)} \\ \\ \mathcal N( \bm x; \bm\mu_m, \Sigma_m) &:= \frac{1}{ \sqrt{(2\pi)^d \det({\Sigma_m})} } \exp \left(-\frac{1}{2}({\mathbf x}-{\bm\mu_m})^{\top}{{\Sigma_m}}^{\color{red}{-1}}({\bm x}-{\bm\mu_m}) \right)\\ \end{aligned} $$

M(aximization)-step (Intuition)

  • Maximize the likelihood of the distribution with the guessed latent state (from the E-Step)
  • Compute the new parameters of each Gaussian
  • Sample mean and covariance weighted by the responsibilities (from the E-Step)
  • We will implement this function in Rust

M(aximization)-step (Formula)

$$ \begin{aligned} \bm\mu_m &\leftarrow \frac{\sum_{\bm x \in X} \gamma_{\bm x,m} \cdot \bm x }{\sum_{\bm x \in X} \gamma_{\bm x,m}} \\ \Sigma_m &\leftarrow \frac{\sum_{\bm x \in X} \gamma_{\bm x,m} \cdot (\bm x - \bm\mu_m)^t\cdot (\bm x - \bm \mu_m) }{\sum_{\bm x \in X} \gamma_{\bm x,m}}\\ \pi_m &\leftarrow \frac{\sum_{\bm x \in X}}{\sum_{\bm x \in X} \gamma_{\bm x,m}} \end{aligned} , \quad $$


High-dimensional clustering (Warning: $\mathcal O(n^3)$!)

  • Regression
  • Image recognition

Part 2 — Python tooling,
implementation and packaging


                        $ # Python packaging and dependency management
                        $ curl -LsSf | sh
                        $ # Get the code
                        $ git clone
                        $ cd PyCon2024 && git checkout skeleton
                        PyCon2024$ # Create virtual environment and install dependencies
                        PyCon2024$ uv env
                        PyCon2024$ uv pip sync requirements.txt
                        PyCon2024$ . ./venv/bin/activate
  • System setup (Python install, IDE setup, etc.) out of scope
  • All steps of the tutorial as git tags (e.g., skeleton and rust-skeleton)
  • Tested on MacOS and Linux only (WSL should work)
  • I use VSCode and Jupyter lab for development and prototyping

GMM/EM in Python:

Design decisions

  • ADT / Data class represents the GMM
    • Numpy arrays for parameters
    • Additional dimensions instead of lists
  • No OOP
    • No OOP (easier to replace functions)
    • EM implemented as three functions
    • E-Step
    • M-Step variants: 2 Python + 1 Rust
    • Simple initialization:
      (random $\gamma_{\bm x,m}$ + M-Step)
  • Benchmark (timeit) and data generation
                                        class GMM:
                                            means: NDArray[np.float64]              # k x d
                                            covs: NDArray[np.float64]               # k x d x d
                                            weights: NDArray[np.float64]            # k

                                        def expect(
                                            gmm: GaussianMixtureModel,
                                            data: NDArray[np.float64]               # n x d
                                        ) -> NDArray[np.float64]:                   # n x k

                                        def maximize(
                                            gmm: GaussianMixtureModel,
                                            responsibilities: NDArray[np.float64],  # n x k
                                            data: NDArray[np.float64]               # n x d
                                        ) -> None:

The E-Step

$$ \begin{aligned} \forall m \in M, \bm x \in X&: \\ \bar \gamma_{\bm x,m} &= \pi_m \cdot p(\bm x | m) \\ &= \pi_m \cdot \mathcal N( \bm x; \bm\mu_m, \Sigma_m) \\ \gamma_{\bm x,m} &= \frac{\bar \gamma_{\bm x, m}}{ \sum_{m \in M} \bar \gamma_{\bm x, m} }\\ \mathcal N( \bm x; \bm\mu_m, \Sigma_m) &:= \pi_m \cdot \frac{1}{ \sqrt{(2\pi)^d \det({\Sigma_m})} } \exp \left(-\frac{1}{2}({\mathbf x}-{\bm\mu_m})^{\top}{{\Sigma_m}}^{-1}({\bm x}-{\bm\mu_m}) \right)\\ \end{aligned} $$
Intimidating, but …
  • Only $n\times k$ Gaussians
  • And normalization (Bayes theorem)
  • How hard can it be …? (live)
  • We will focus on the M-Step
  • Loops in python are slow. How can we avoid as many loops as possible

Look mom, no loops

$$ \Sigma_m \leftarrow \frac{\sum_{\bm x \in X} \gamma_{\bm x,m} \cdot (\bm x - \bm\mu_m)^t\cdot (\bm x - \bm \mu_m) } {\sum_{\bm x \in X} \gamma_{\bm x,m}}, \qquad \forall m \in M $$
$$ \Sigma_m \leftarrow \frac{\sum_{\bm x \in X} \gamma_{\bm x,m} \cdot \bar{\bm x}_m^t\cdot \bar{\bm x}_m } {\sum_{\bm x \in X} \gamma_{\bm x,m}}, \qquad \bar{\bm x}_m = \bm x - \bm \mu_m, \quad \forall m \in M $$
$$ \bar X_{k,n,d} \cdot \Gamma_{k,n} \cdot \bar X_{k,n,d} = \bm \Sigma_{k,d,d} $$
                                        knd, kn, knd -> kdd
                                        einstein_sum_notation('knd, kn, knd -> kdd', data, responsibilities, data)
                                        einsum('knd, kn, knd -> kdd', data, responsibilities, data)
                                        np.einsum('knd, kn, knd -> kdd', data, responsibilities, data)

Putting it together

                            def maximize_(gmm: GaussianMixtureModel, responsibilities: Likelihood, data: NDArray[np.float64]) -> None:
                            """Maximization step"""

                                assert responsibilities.shape[0] == data.shape[0]

                                sum_responsibilities = responsibilities.sum(axis=0)

                                gmm.means = (
                                    np.sum(data[:, np.newaxis, :] * responsibilities[:, :, np.newaxis], axis=0)
                                    / sum_responsibilities[:, np.newaxis]

                                data = data[:, np.newaxis, :] - gmm.means[np.newaxis, :, :]  # n x k x d

                                gmm.covs = (
                                    np.einsum("nkd, nk,  nke -> kde", data, responsibilities, data)
                                    / sum_responsibilities[:, np.newaxis, np.newaxis]

                                gmm.weights = sum_responsibilities / sum_responsibilities.sum()

Part 3 — Rust: Brief overview,
Python extension and benchmarking

Rust: A quick introduction

Rust is on its seventh year as the most loved language with 87% of developers saying they want to continue using it. Rust also ties with Python as the most wanted technology with TypeScript running a close second. (stackoverflow survey 2022)
  • Developed by Graydon Hoare at Mozilla since 2010; first stable version 2015
  • Feels modern, avoids pitfalls and is peformant ("zer cost")
  • but … it takes time to learn. C++ background definitively helpful
  • A very active, committed community
  • Common headline on hacker news: " * .. but written in Rust"
  • Overlap with Python: ruff, polars, uv, rye, pixi, …
  • Learning impacted my style of Python programming

Structs and traits

                            pub struct NewsArticle {
                                pub headline: String,
                                pub location: String,
                                pub author: String,
                                pub content: String,
                            pub trait Summary {
                                fn summarize(&self) -> String;
                            impl Summary for NewsArticle {
                                fn summarize(&self) -> String {
                                    format!("{}, by {} ({})", self.headline,, self.location)

  • No inheritance. No multiple inheritance. Use composition instead
  • Traits (interfaces) similar to Protocols in Python

Borrowing & Lifetimes

                            let mut s = String::from("hello");

                                let r1 = &mut s;
                            } // r1 goes out of scope here, so we can make a new reference with no problems.

                            let r2 = &mut s;

  • Rust is memory safe (like Python, unlike C/C++)
  • No garbage collection like Python / Java
  • No reference counting like C++
  • The Borrowing checker enforces rules that prevent memory errors


                            enum Message {
                                Move { x: i32, y: i32 },
                                ChangeColor(i32, i32, i32),
  • Algebraic data types
  • The foundation for elegant error handling and optional types
  • A bit like Union[T, …]

… and much more

  • Powerful pattern matching
  • Functional programming
  • Excellent tooling

Porting the M-Step to Rust

                            $ # Installation
                            $ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
                            $ rustup update # Optional: Update the tool chain
                            $ cd PyCon2024 && git checkout rust-examples
                            PyCon2024$ # git checkout rust_test # or rust_skeleton

Loading numpy data

                                fn main() {
                                    let data: Array2 = read_npy("data/data.npy").unwrap();
                                    println!("{}", data);

                                    let responsibilities: Array2 = read_npy("data/responsibilities.npy").unwrap();
                                    println!("{}", responsibilities);

                                    let means: Array2 = read_npy("data/means.npy").unwrap();
                                    println!("{}", means);

Array passing

                                    use ndarray::prelude::*;

                                    pub fn foo(data: Array2) -> Array2 { Array2::::zeros((0,0)) }
                                    use ndarray::prelude::*;

                                    pub fn foo(data: &Array2) -> Array2 { Array2::::zeros((0,0)) }
                                    use ndarray::prelude::*;

                                    pub fn foo(mut data: &Array2, other: ArrayView2:: )  {
  • Ownership to arrays can be passed to a function
  • Arrays can be passed as a mutable or immutable reference
  • A view to an array can be generated that holds a reference
  • A function can be written in a generic way to accept all
  • Remember, in Python you don't even need the type

Array handling

Creating sums
                                        let sum_responsibilities = responsibilities.sum_axis(Axis(0));
                                        sum_responsibilities = responsibilities.sum(axis=1)
                                        let x = (&responsibilities.slice(s![.., .., NewAxis]) * &data.slice(s![.., NewAxis, ..]))
                                        x = np.sum(data[np.newaxis, :, :] * responsibilities[:, :, np.newaxis], axis=1)
Dot product
                                        let cov = &x.t().dot(&y)
                                        covs = x.T @ y

The M-Step

  • The C-way
  • Iterators
  • Parallelization
  • Benchmarking with

Creating the extension

                            PyCon2024$ git checkout bindings
                            PyCon2024$ # git checkout benchmarks # spoiler alert!
                            PyCon2024$ maturin develop -r --strip # Builds the extensions and adds it to the venv
                            PyCon2024$ maturin build -r --strip # Creates a binary wheel
  • PyO3 is a crate for the binding boilerplate
  • Maturin is a build tool. Shares pyproject.tomlwith poetry


                                data, _ = gmm.make_blobs(n_samples=10000, centers=20, n_features=2, random_state=7)

                                model = gmm.initialize(data, 20)
                                r = gmm.expect(model, data)
Pure Python with einsum

                                    13 ms ± 369 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
Pure Python with loops

                                    7.37 ms ± 194 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
Parallel Rust

                                    3.49 ms ± 23.2 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
  • MacBook, 2.6 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i7
  • Rust wins due to parallelization
  • More analysis desired

Key takeaways

  • Be confident in implementing scientific code!
  • It's fun creating mixed Rust/Python packages!
  • But it does not always make a lot of sense to do so
  • Never ask an AI to generate a picture with a crab together with a python

Thanks, enjoy the conference!