# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Implementation of the Merged Growing Neural Gas for temporal data.
__author__ = "Stefan Ulbrich"
__copyright__ = "Copyright 2020, All rights reserved."
# __credits__ = []
__license__ = "Confidential"
__version__ = "0.1"
__maintainer__ = "Stefan Ulbrich"
__email__ = "Stefan.Ulbrich@gmail.com"
__status__ = "alpha"
__date__ = "2020-01-27"
__all__ = ["MergeGNG"]
import logging
from typing import List, Tuple
import numpy as np
from attr import attrib, attributes
from numpy.linalg import norm
from mgng.helpers import get_dymmy_2D_data
from mgng.validators import is_greater_zero, is_weight_factor, repr_ndarray
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MergeGNG:
Class that represents a Merge Growing Neural Gas.
Differences to default implementation
* Neurons all kept in memory to allow numpy operations
* Introduce half life and threshold for connections (planned). For now, only decrease.
* Adaptation rate should depend on connection strength
* Introduce method (half-life?, decay on all synapses) to remove very old movements (I am sure that the original implementation allows for orphans)
* Compare with an approach of a regular neural gas with a refactory time
* Add threshold for an activity to trigger a new neuron (hey, make a fifo). I really want to enforce this. If a neuron gets activated 3 times in a row it's tiem for a new neuron!
* REALLY CONSIDER REMOVING THE DIOGONAL ELEMENTS! Implement neighbor learn rate .. maybe weighted by synapse strength
* Activity is never 0 unless it is a never used neuron or one removed because it had no connections
* Todo: did we remove neurons without connections?
n_neurons: int
Max. number of neurons
n_dim: int
Output dimension (of the feature space).
connection_decay: float
Hyper parameter for influencing the decay of neuron connections. NOT USED RIGHT NOW
temporal_influence: float
The influence of the temporal memory on finding the winning neuron
memory_weight: float
Determines the influence of past samples in the sequence. (Kinda "how long" it looks back into the past).
life_span: int
How many iterations until a synapse is deleted.
Note .. synapses of the winning neuron only are decayed (it forgets "wrong" neighbors)
Maximal activity allowed for a neuron (cf. refractory period). If a neuron is more active than this threshold,
a new neuron is inserted between it and the second most active neuron. Note that each time the neuron is the
winning neuron, it's activity level is increased by 1.0 and then continuously decreases continuously in
each iteration (c.f. `decrease_activity`)
This is different to the reference paper where the network gros in regular intervals.
Our approach reflects a more "on demand" approach and prevents the network from growing unnecessarily.
decrease_activity: float
Less important .. the activity decreases exponentially ... only interesting if there are only few iterations
between reccuring sequences
learn_rate: float
lorem ipsum
learn_rate_neighbors: float
lorem ipsum
delta: float
Need a better name, right? It's a parameter that decides the neuron's activity if a new neuron is added.
allow_removal: float
lorem ipsum
_weights: np.ndarray, :math:`n_{\text{neurons}} \times n_{\text{dim}}`
The amount of neurons is constant in this implementation for simplicity
reasons and speed (block operations).
# FIXME: Until pylint + attrs work nicely together (or pylint and typehints)
# pylint: disable=unsubscriptable-object,unsupported-assignment-operation,no-member
# Note that comment type hints are used to ensure Python 3.5 support _and_ VSCode autocomplete
# See https://www.attrs.org/en/stable/types.html#mypy
n_neurons = attrib(default=100) # type: int
n_dim = attrib(default=3) # type: int
connection_decay = attrib(default=0.1, validator=[is_weight_factor]) # type: float
temporal_influence = attrib(default=0.5, validator=[is_weight_factor]) # type: float
memory_weight = attrib(default=0.5, validator=[is_weight_factor]) # type: float
life_span = attrib(default=10) # type: int
learn_rate = attrib(default=0.2, validator=[is_weight_factor]) # type: float
learn_rate_neighbors = attrib(default=0.2, validator=[is_weight_factor]) # type: float
decrease_activity = attrib(default=0.8, validator=[is_weight_factor]) # type: float
# TODO find a goood name for delta (in fact, update all names)
delta = attrib(default=0.8, validator=[is_weight_factor]) # type: float
max_activity = attrib(default=2.0, validator=[is_greater_zero]) # type: float
allow_removal = attrib(default=True) # type: bool
# I don't want this parameter truth to be told
creation_frequency = attrib(default=5) # type: int
# Private variables. Default initializers depend on n_neurons and n_dim. The order matters!
_weights = attrib(init=False, repr=repr_ndarray) # type: np.ndarray
_context = attrib(init=False, repr=repr_ndarray) # type: np.ndarray
_connections = attrib(init=False, repr=repr_ndarray) # type: np.ndarray
_counter = attrib(init=False, repr=False) # type: np.ndarray
_global_context = attrib(init=False, repr=repr_ndarray) # type: np.ndarray
debug = attrib(default=False) # type: bool
past = attrib(init=False, factory=list, repr=False) # type: List[List[np.ndarray]]
[docs] @_weights.default
def _default_weights(self):
return np.random.rand(self.n_neurons, self.n_dim)
[docs] @_context.default
def _default_context(self):
return np.random.rand(self.n_neurons, self.n_dim)
[docs] @_global_context.default
def _default_global_context(self):
return np.random.rand(self.n_dim)
[docs] @_connections.default
def _default_connections(self):
# XXX: we keep all neurons in memory such that we can do block operations
return np.zeros((self.n_neurons, self.n_neurons))
[docs] @_counter.default
def _default_counter(self):
return np.zeros(self.n_neurons)
[docs] def _decay(self, first: int):
Decrease all synapses of a neuron but don't allow negative synampses.
first : int
Index of the neuron
def decay_vector(vector: np.ndarray):
vector -= 1.0 / self.life_span
vector[vector < 0] = 0
logger.debug("Decaying connections before:\n%s", self._connections)
decay_vector(self._connections[first, :])
decay_vector(self._connections[:, first])
logger.debug("after \n%s", self._connections)
[docs] def kill_orphans(self):
# argwhere not suitable for indexing
orphans = np.nonzero(np.sum(self._connections, axis=1) == 0)
logger.debug("Orphans: %s", orphans)
logger.debug("counter before: %s", self._counter)
self._counter[orphans] = 0
logger.debug("counter after: %s", self._counter)
[docs] def adapt(self, sample: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[int, int]:
Single adaptation step
sample : np.ndarray, shape: :math:`(n_{\text{dim}},)`
A single sample.
Optionally returns the first and second winning
neurons used for Hebbian learning.
if self.debug:
dist_weights = norm(self._weights - sample[np.newaxis, :], axis=-1)
dist_context = norm(self._context - self._global_context, axis=-1)
logger.debug("|weights| = %s, |context| = %s", dist_weights, dist_context)
logger.debug("connections at beginning:\n%s", self._connections)
# Todo remove this variable
distance = (
1 - self.temporal_influence
) * dist_weights + self.temporal_influence * dist_context
winners = np.argsort(
# (1 - self.temporal_influence) * dist_weights + self.temporal_influence * dist_context
logger.debug("winners %s, %s", winners, distance[winners])
first = winners[0]
second = winners[1]
assert distance[first] <= distance[second]
old_global_context = self._global_context.copy()
# fmt: off
self._global_context = (
(1 - self.memory_weight) * self._weights[first, :]
+ self.memory_weight * self._context[first, :]
# fmt: on
self._decay(first) # Let's decay first so that the new new connection has maximal value
logger.debug("Adding edge to:\n%s", self._connections)
# Symmetric connection matrix
self._connections[first, second] = self._connections[second, first] = 1.0
# Diagonal only needed when the connection values are used in the update rule below.
# then it should probably not be 1.0
# self._connections[first, first] = 1.0
logger.debug("after\n%s", self._connections)
# Needs to be after new connections are created. otherwise the counter of first might be reset
self._weights[first, :] += self.learn_rate * (sample - self._weights[first, :])
self._context[first, :] += self.learn_rate * (old_global_context - self._context[first, :])
neighbors = np.nonzero(self._connections[first, :]) # == non-zeros in the row
logger.debug("winning neuron's neighbors %s", neighbors)
# Suggestion: weight adaptation by age of synapse
# self._weights[neighbors, :] += self.learn_rate * self._connections[first, neighbors] *\
# (sample - self._weights[neighbors, :])
# self._context[neighbors, :] += self.learn_rate * self._connections[first, neighbors] *\
# (old_global_context - self._context[neighbors, :])
self._weights[neighbors, :] += self.learn_rate_neighbors * (
sample - self._weights[neighbors, :]
self._context[neighbors, :] += self.learn_rate_neighbors * (
old_global_context - self._context[neighbors, :]
self._counter[first] += 1
logger.debug("New counter: %s, \n%s", self._counter, self._connections)
return first, second
[docs] def grow(self):
Entropy maximization by adding neurons in regions of high activity.
Note: this picks the weakest neuron. TODO this needs to be implemented too!
# Warning .. error when the max neuron does not have neighbors (pretty much impossible)
most = np.argmax(self._counter)
its_neighbors = np.nonzero(self._connections[most, :]) # e.g., (array([0, 2]),)
most_active_neighbors = np.argsort(
) # get the activations and sort them
# The last entry is the winning neuron itself (WATCH OUT unless the diagonal is zero!, in that case, use -1)
neighbor = its_neighbors[0][most_active_neighbors[-1]]
"Most active: %d\nIts neighbors: %s, Its most active neighbor: %s",
new = self.kill_weakest()
self.delta = 0.8 # Yet another parameter :-(
self._weights[new, :] = 0.5 * (self._weights[most, :] + self._weights[neighbor, :])
self._context[new, :] = 0.5 * (self._context[most, :] + self._context[neighbor, :])
self._counter[new] = self.delta * (self._counter[most] + self._counter[neighbor])
self._counter[most] *= 1 - self.delta
self._counter[neighbor] *= 1 - self.delta
self._connections[most, neighbor] = self._connections[neighbor, most] = 0.0
self._connections[new, neighbor] = self._connections[neighbor, new] = 1.0
self._connections[most, new] = self._connections[new, most] = 1.0
[docs] def kill_weakest(self) -> np.signedinteger:
Finds the weakest neuron (or the first with zero activity in the list)
and returns its index
Index of the neuron
least = np.argmin(self._counter) # That is a good metric? Probably yes
logger.info("Least active neuron: %d, value: %f", least, self._counter[least])
logger.info("Did it have conntections?\n%s", self._connections[least, :])
if np.sum(self._connections[least, :]) > 0:
"Killing existing neuron. Consider larger pool! Activity: %f", self._counter[least]
# Remove connections:
self._connections[least, :] = 0.0
self._connections[:, least] = 0.0
return least
[docs] def learn(self, samples: np.ndarray, epochs: int):
Batch learning
samples : np.ndarray
Row array of points. Shape :math:`n_{\text{samples}} \times n_{\text{dim}}`.
epochs : int
Number of repetitions.
assert samples.shape[1] == self.n_dim
for e in range(epochs):
for i, sample in enumerate(samples):
logger.info("\n\n\n%s\nSample: %d, Epoch: %d", "*" * 24, i, e)
self._counter *= self.decrease_activity
if True:
if np.max(self._counter) >= self.max_activity:
if i % self.creation_frequency == self.creation_frequency - 1:
# Make this a factor depending on the activity of neurons
[docs] def get_active_weights(self):
# Watchout there is an argwhere not an nonzero
return (
self._weights[np.nonzero(self._counter > 0), :],
self._weights[np.nonzero(self._counter <= 0), :],
if __name__ == "__main__":
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # type: ignore
mgng = MergeGNG(connection_decay=0.1)
a = mgng.n_neurons
X = get_dymmy_2D_data(20)
plt.plot(X[0, :], X[1, :])